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Child Protection

At Whitchurch CofE Primary School the health, safety and wellbeing of every child is our top priority. We expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils. Our child protection policy outlines our guidance.

Click here for a copy of our Child Protection Policy 

Click here for our Attendance Policy 

Keeping Children Safe in Education 

Many of you may know that the Government has put into place something called the ‘Prevent’ strategy. Schools, including primary schools, are required to include this as part of their safeguarding procedures and so I am including a link to a pamphlet for parents for you to see. In practice, for us, this means challenging prejudice and racist comments, promoting British values and exploring other cultures and religions to promote diversity.

Please click here for a copy of the pamphlet

Online Safety

Word icon River Wye Federation's Internet Safety Policy - aligned with safeguarding policy 

Word icon 3 C's for Computing


The NSPCC has put together a guide for social media, apps and games that young people use. Click on the image below for more information.

PDF icon Advice for parents on Cyberbullying

PDF icon CEOP 'Learn how to protect your child' Information Letter

PDF icon A Parents Guide to Gaming


Early Help



We pride ourselves on the supportive, practical support we offer all parents.  Close relationships between school and home are fostered effectively through our open door policy.  Sometimes, we identify that children and families may need support over and above regular conversations.  In these cases we can offer:

Personalised Support Plans - regular meetings between school and home with a structured approach of support

ELSA support - Our trained Emotional Literacy Support practitioner can work through programmes tailored to help your child with their feelings and behaviour

Private Counselling - we can refer children for a programme of professional counselling support

Referral to outside agencies: health visitors, osteopaths, speech and language therapists, Herefordshire Early Help team