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British Values

British Values are taught and lived through our Rights Respecting Schools work 

As a Rights Respecting School, we learn about our rights and promote the rights of others.  This is an all-encompassing approach which permeates every element of school life, and is rooted in dignity and equity. We are proud to be the only school in Herefordshire, along with Weston, which holds this award.

In 2011 the government set out its ‘British Values’  for life in modern Britain.

These were:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance

At Whitchurch, these values sit underneath the umbrella of our Rights Respecting School status; along with our Christian foundation, our PSHE (personal, social and health education) and our SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural) teaching as well as safeguarding arrangements. 

Children understand and apply their rights and British Values through a range of learning opportunities. For example:

  • An active 'Pupil Voice' which follows a democratic process
  • Our school rules, which are based on our rights
  • Enabling children to take part in a wide range of clubs of their choice
  • Having high expectations with regard to manners, behaviour and courtesy and where children respect their fellow rights-bearers
  • Supporting children to discuss differences and disagreements and find a solution, and knowing that the adults around them, as duty bearers, have responsibilities for enabling them to hold their rights 
  • Taking part in community initiatives and donating time, money and energy to them
  • Helping pupils to value their own physical and mental wellbeing
  • Teaching children, on a regular basis, about the importance of being safe and responsible citizens
  • Making links with other schools, both in in the UK and abroad
  • Staying abreast of local, national and global issues in relation to the Rights of the Child

In summary, we support children to uphold their rights and the rights of others.