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History has always been a subject which we are passionate about at The River Wye Federation. We aim to foster an enthusiasm and sense of curiosity about the past, encouraging the children in their first steps towards being life-long learners.

Studying history gives pupils the opportunity to develop an understanding of why the world and its people are the way they are today.  They begin to ask questions as they explore the diversity of human experience, past lives and societies.  By the end of their primary education, we aim for children to have a chronological understanding of British history from Stone Age to present day and are able to draw comparisons and make connections between different time periods and their own lives. Pupils also explore the ancient civilizations, developing their understanding of trends over time and across concurrent civilizations.

History is taught through investigation and enquiry. We wish to encourage independent and critical thinking which will foster an understanding of ‘why’ as well as ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘where’. Lessons are planned so that there is time for discussion and debate, fostering an environment of enquiry which enables children to revise and justify their opinions as well as encouraging children to ask as well as answer questions about history.

We believe that History should be an interactive subject which strives to ignite a child’s natural curiosity. We look for opportunities for children to investigate, handle artefacts, pictorial evidence, watch historical footage, take part in role play activities, visit relevant sites and museums and where appropriate, experience oral history, engaging with historical characters and ways of life. 

Underpinning this is an emphasis on children understanding the world around them, their country and their values. 



 History subject progression