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Throughout our school, we use the principles of Talk for Writing to immerse children in the language, structure and features they will need to become good writers.  They begin by learning rhymes, poems, stories and information texts off-by-heart in order to internalise the patterns of language. In this way the children hear the text, say it for themselves and enjoy it, before putting pen to paper to write their own.  Alongside this, other essential skills are taught discretely. Spelling patterns and high frequency words are taught explicitly, as are correct use of grammar and punctuation.   


writing at the river wye federation.pdf



At our school reading matters and is a strength of the school. Children begin to read using the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme, which enables them to make secure, rapid progress. Information about how to support your child with reading is given at the start of reception, via annual parent meetings and through individual support. If your child finds reading harder, they will be given extra support, in order for them to make good progress. 

Our library is continually being updated and contains a large range of fiction and non-fiction books.  We also focus on every child’s ability to understand what they are reading. Regular practise in comprehension, in discussing texts, learning texts and having stories read to the whole class are important components of our approach to reading. The ability to read well is at the core of school life and it is something that we believe we do well.

Please see 'Parents/Support for your Child' for further information.


reading at rwf.pdf