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Our Vision

They are strong, like a tree planted by a river.

The tree produces fruit in season, 

and its leaves don't die.

Everything they do will succeed.

Psalm 1:2-3

Our Values

The unity of the River Wye Federation combines our unique Church of England Primary Schools; Whitchurch and Weston-under-Penyard.

Whilst each school flourishes with individual character, context and community, we share high aspirations for every child, aiming to 'future-proof' them with the strength to thrive in a phenomenally fast-moving world.

Our core values of trust, kindness and friendship form the roots of our united federation.  They are inherent in all we do.  Spiritually, these values enable us to ‘live life in all its fullness’.  These values are reflected in our roles as rights-holders and duty bearers, enabling children to ‘live, survive and thrive’. 


There is a culture of trust throughout our community: children trust adults to make decisions which are in their best interests; and similarly, adults trust children to do their best.  Together, we flourish. 

Each individual in our community is valued and precious.  We treat each other with respect and support each other to cope wisely when things go wrong. 

We appreciate each other's individuality and this results in relationships where we can open horizons and guide one another into ways of fulfilling them.